Saturday, May 10, 2008

Wild Bill

I ran into Wild Bill re-flooring the Pokez bathroom late one night. We spoke of fiber-optics and the future of materials and construction. It was out of this world.


Rage: Kellen James Pro Party

I went wine tasting with some friends the other night. We drank all we could and then went home and drank some more. Next thing you know you run into a skate party. Funny...

People were having a good time.

I was a jack ass with the camera right off the start due to the alcohol I had been drinking.

Blair is a good guy.
Good old fashion tit grab.
I wish i was in a field in the middle of nowhere with these guys. All we would need is gasiline, skate ramps, booz and plenty of stuff to burn. Loads of fun.
Skate Mafia
West is the best.

Jin is a pimpShe wanted to kiss him for a picture, he said no.
I dont remember taking this picture, and a few others after this one.

Yes you are here and yes this is your party Kellen.
Skate crews are great.

