Friday, April 11, 2008


Lauren once asked me if I would do acid with her. I said no, but then offered her something that might take her mind off anything of the sort. Here are her new Vans, she called and asked me what color she should buy. I picked yellow.

Lauren likes to take pictures and wanted to take some of me.

So I got in the bath tub.

I gave her a pose.

Lauren and I like to paint together and play music. I don't think that Lauren needs any more acid. 

Car Crash

I was having a casual after hours with some friends. I heard a car crash happen about a block down. I was drunk, so I grabbed my camera and ran down the street without saying much.

I knelt down and snapped one after I stopped swerving and my vision aligned.

Then turned around and took notice to a victim of the crash. The police were coming down the street, so I causally walked away at the will of the people involved. I felt like a paparazzi.


This is the hot dog truck my 14 year old brother and I worked at last summer. It tended to the beach that our mother grew up on and had shared with us. She passed two months before to these pictures.

Matt landed his first three-sixty-flip.

Parents give their children money and allow them to travel down the beach in search of hot dogs and ice cream. This one in particular, double cheese burger.

Aaron would come out to lounge from time to time. 

In hopes that something could catch his eye.

Matt worked the register while I cooked. 

There was no surf this summer, so we just sat most the time.

My first hard copy of Vice. Aaron, the man who turned me on, brought it to me from the city. I left it in the truck and the next day it broke down. The next Vice I got to read was one of 500 that were delivered to me in order to distribute in San Diego.

The Irony.