Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I'm designing the future.

Its made of 7/11 coffee, fine tip sharpies, half pages of computer paper, live free or die emotion with you father breathing down your neck to get a job or move out of the motor home that sits in the driveway, piss your pants laughing moments with your little brother who is smaller than you but is obsessed with XL shirts while you fit into larges just fine, Pandora radio because I only have 2 Cd's that came in the mail from VICE as a Christmas present from Lauren the distribution manager, some design and propaganda books that I bought instead of weed and a shit tone of LAME.

The LAME-alution is in design and will be casually walking along side us soon enough

I have been shooting film too but have no cash to develop it just quite yet.

Here is a photo that keeps me motivated, I set up my tripod one night to shoot a church in Ventura and it magically was posted up right at its feet.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looking forward to more photos e